Monday, February 2, 2009

Worried about the Economic Stimulus Package--You will be after you read this

Ready for a stomach ache, here goes.
Milwaukee Public Schools would reap $88.6 million over two years for new construction under the economic stimulus package just passed by the U.S. House of Representatives - even though the district has 15 vacant school buildings, a large surplus of property and no plans for new construction.
The amounts for MPS are particularly eye-catching, and not only because they are the largest in the state. Enrollment is declining every year, and the last major wave of construction in MPS - the $102 million Neighborhood School Initiative launched in 2000 - resulted in projects that are underused, have not met enrollment projections or have closed. A series in the Journal Sentinel in August detailed how tens of millions of dollars in construction spending did not produce the expected results, and the project as a whole has not led to a higher percentage of students attending neighborhood schools.

If you are interested in ascertaining the validity of this information and the source go to, The Mikwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinal: Milwaukee Public Schools may be in line for millions in stimulus package
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