Looking back, there is little doubt in my mind that if I had had the proper education or information I would have realized my mother was suffering from dementia sooner. Most people like me tend to ignore the symptoms at first believing they are simply signs of "old age". Anyone who ends up in my shoes knows and understands that a person in the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s can function with some normality--even drive a car. It is not until they deteriorate or until some "event" takes place that we wake up to reality.
The article on the next page is one of the best I have read. The basic underlying premise is that behavior changes slowly in the elderly and if they begin to suffer cognitive impairment it will be evidenced in behavioral changes. Sometimes these changes can be quite subtle but if detected could raise a “red flag”.
If my mother had been enrolled in any of these studies I feel certain she would have been diagnosed with dementia sooner. This would have allowed me to get her in an exercise program, get her proper nutrition, and insure that she was taking her medicines as prescribed. I leaned in the last three years how important these three factors are in the quality of her life.
My mother turned 91 years old in June and she suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. I am her CarGiver.
I am an Alzheimer's Caregiver: The early signs of Dementia (Alzheimer's)
Robert T DeMarco Weblog: The latest in Financial Infotainment--Minyanville
A friend of mine sent me a link to this website, Minyanville. The site is will worth visiting. Informative and entertaining. The stuff on China, subprime loans and trading is thought provoking. Chances are good you will be sending this link along to your freinds.
Some examples of the headline stories.
Fire in the Hole!
Todd Harrison
...as yesterday’s false alarm once again proved, structural smoke won’t matter until someone actually sees a fire.
Testing the Waters of Intel
Jeff Macke
Plucking at the strings of lunacy, trying to find something valid enough to trade off, thus becomes a somewhat futile exercise...
Stocks To Watch: Dell, eBay, Ford, IBM, Sysco
Minyanville Staff
Today's top stories and some stocks with potential to move...
Bear Stearns' Hedge Fund Mess
Bennet Sedacca
Brokerage paper has been widening relative to Treasuries of late, but so has everything else, as perhaps it should.
The Market's Remarkable Symmetry
The market may have an agenda higher in terms of time and price, but... there are many clusters of time, price and pattern projecting a turning point in this neighborhood.
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hedge funds, infotainment, investing, minyanville, subprime loans, trading